George Clooney: Donald Trump a “xenophobic fascist”

George Clooney is no fan of The Donald.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Clooney slammed Donald Trump over recent comments on the campaign trail.

“He’s just an opportunist. Now he’s a fascist; a xenophobic fascist,” Clooney said. “Let’s put things into perspective. You know, the truth of the matter is, in election season, things go crazy, and the loudest voices are the furthest and most extreme. So you hear a massively stupid idea, like we’re going to ban Muslims from the country. Now, we’re not ever going to do that.” He shrugs. “It says in the Statue of Liberty, bring us your huddled masses. It’s not what’s going to happen.”

The Academy Award-winning actor famously fundraised for President Obama in 2012 — raking in $12 million dollars at an event at the actor’s house.

In 2016, Clooney’s backing Hillary Clinton.

“I am a Hillary supporter. I am doing a fundraiser for her,” said Clooney.

Clooney gave Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) credit for his effort in the Democratic primary.

“I really love Bernie Sanders, and am really glad he is in the debate. He is forcing the conversation to things that never get talked about in US politics: disparity between the rich and the poor, which is getting worse and worse every day,” he said.

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